New York City is one of my favorite places in the world. London, Paris and Tokyo all have their attractions, but NYC has that combination of culture, cuisine and commerce combined in a uniquely American pastiche celebrating past history combined with the promise of the new and exciting.
Walking through Midtown I enjoy seeing the varied architectural styles on display. Some are imposing glass towers, some, like the Foster + Partners designed JP Morgan Chase building under construction promise an exciting new addition to Park Avenue. Others celebrate past architectural styles from Beaux Art to Bauhaus.
The older buildings display a richness of detail and luxurious use of materials now seldom seen. Carved stone, textured metals, stained glass, brass chandeliers, polished bronze relief, row upon row of jalousie windows all give expressive form and beauty, visible reminders of NYC’s architectural past. These pictures were taken on Park Avenue, Lexington Avenue and 42nd Street except for one from the West Village and one from Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station.
All images were taken with Fuji X100f with 23mm f2.0 lens in RAW format, processed in Lightroom Classic CC 11.0.1