Berlin is a modern city; dynamic and artistic, it is one of the cultural, creative, and economic centers of Europe. Beautiful cathedrals, modern architecture and royal commissions are adjacent to memorials, statues, art installations and monuments, physical remembrances of the indescribable horrors committed by the Nazi regime. It’s almost impossible to walk through the cities’ parks and public spaces without coming upon a memorial reminding one of Europe’s horrific pasts less than 100-years ago.
While Germany is, unfortunately, not unique for atrocities committed in war, they are exceptional in the public way they admit their culpability and address their sorrow. I have a respect for their capacity to move forward effecting to form an inclusive and progressive society.
Berlin is many things, an historical reminder of the need to be ever vigilant to avoid the nationalist predilections fervent in today’s world and a cautionary tale of the past.
All images were taken with Fuji X100s with 23mm f2.0 lens in RAW format, processed in Lightroom Classic 11.0.1