Located on the North Coast of Spain, along the Bay of Biscay, this port city is also known by its Basque name Donostia and is one of the most beautiful and enchanting places we’ve ever visited. After taking a walk from Monte Igueldo along the Playa de La Concha to the Parte Vieja we asked each other, how did we not know about this place? A 12th century old town situated along the most beautiful beach in Europe? Parte Vieja, originally a walled city until the late 1800’s, offers a mix of shopping, casual and fine dining along with historical sightseeing and the highest density of bars in Europe. Playa de La Concha, a wide sand beach surrounds the Bahia de La Concha providing a protective bay for swimming and anchoring or just sitting in the Café de la Concha enjoying the view, anchovies and a glass of Txakoli.
Culinary options abound with a vibrant dining culture embracing pintxos, a Basque interpretation of Spanish tapas as well as fine dining options featuring eleven Michelin starred restaurants. As an Atlantic seaport with a long seafaring tradition, fish and seafood options abound. We found ourselves dining on anchovies, sardines, scallops, langostinos and cod presented in every variety imaginable along with the local Txakoli a slightly sparkling, very dry white wine, (pronounced chak-o-lee).
We were fortunate to call the Hotel Maria Christina home during our stay in Donostia. Built in 1912 it is an elegant hotel located on the Urumea Itsasadarra river just steps from the Parte Vieja with balcony views of the Atlantic. The local staff were able to make reservations and suggestions on some of the most interesting and best places to dine and sightsee.
San Sebastian – Donostia is one place that we will definitely visit again as it combines culture, cuisine, history and beauty like few other destinations. If travelling to Spain, making a stop in this capital of Basque culture should not be missed.
All images were taken with Fuji X100f with 23mm f2.0 lens in RAW format, processed in Lightroom Classic 12.0.1.